Friday, May 18, 2007


“My Glorious” is probably one of my favorite rock type worship songs so I knew that we would have to interview Delirious? at some point. The show was at a large church in Oklahoma City called the Cathedral of Praise. The good people at this church are all about servitude and I mean that in a good way. In most instances I am completely respectful of the fact that to most promoters our film crew is little more than another headache to deal with prior to the show. That’s OK, I used to be a promoter and that’s how I would have felt. Anyway the people at the Cathedral of Praise were the exact opposite. They treated us like kings. They gave us a room to ourselves and repeatedly brought deli trays and drinks in to us (it is a dangerous thing for anyone to offer food to Ash and myself), always asking if we had everything we needed. At one point I had to tell one woman that although we appreciated it we weren’t the band and they didn’t have to be taking care of us so well. She looked at me like I was absolutely crazy. I really got the impression that they just want to serve the people that came into their church. Here’s your shout out, people of the Oklahoma City Cathedral of Praise: You Rule!!!
We did the interview with Stu G and Jon Thatcher in this TBN stye room complete with paisley, rich mahogany, potpourri, gold leaf and catering everywhere. It was easily the funniest interview we have done for “Bleed Into One” mainly due to what we later dubbed “the language barrier." I knew that the band was from England and knew that I would have no problem understanding them, I mean we’re speaking the same language right? I never considered that they would have a problem understanding me, specifically my American euphamisms. Apparently I’m much more of a rube than I thought. I became aware of this when during the interview, I asked them “what’s your take on POD?” Then silence and both of the guys look at each other for a few moments as if thinking that I am insane. Then Jon says as proper and nice as can be “do you mean in a fight then?” As I am still trying to process the answer when Stu says “I think if we got in a fight with POD they would crush us.” So we all kind of look at each other and burst into laughter. It dawns on me that what I said was “what’s your take on POD” and what they heard was “what would happen if you took on POD?” Ash ever the personal motivator says “English, only the Queen’s English, you hick” to me. It was really funny. Later I said “let’s riff on some bands” and Jon said “we don’t feel comfortable ripping on other bands.”
As I said before I’m a rube.
The interview itself was pretty good. I was really interested in their influences. Being from England they were into Joy Division, Queen, Suede, Pulp, etc. Stu had even gotten to see Pink Floyd on the Wall tour if you can imagine. Wow.

1 comment:

Ash Greyson said...

All in all, you're just another... hick in the wall...

ash =o)